JUDAS PRIEST's RICHIE FAULKNER: 'Keep Your Hands Washed' And 'Stay Inside'
March 28, 2020Sideshow Collectibles, a specialty manufacturer of movie, film, television and proprietary collectible figures, statues and high-end pieces, has uploaded a short public service announcement, or PSA, from JUDAS PRIEST guitarist Richie Faulkner, educating the public on good hygiene and best practices amid the coronavirus outbreak.
In the one-minute clip, which is available below, Faulkner can be seen holding his dog in one hand and a duster in the other as he walks around his Nashville home and cleans everything from his amps to his "Star Wars" collectibles.
He says in the video: "Hi everybody. Richie Faulkner here from JUDAS PRIEST. I hope everyone's staying healthy and clean and safe and keeping those hands washed during these turbulent times.
"I wanted to take this opportunity to explain the importance of taking care of the things we love — things like our musical instruments and our amps and our pups and our pets and everyone, keeping 'em clean and healthy and fresh and nice. Also, all our nerd toys and the things that we play with and the things that we respect and the things that we grew up with. It's all about keeping 'em nice, keeping 'em clean, keeping 'em free of the virus. So, keep your hands washed, stay inside and stay in Sideshow."
Authorities have repeatedly urged people to stay home and avoid crowding bars, restaurants, and public spaces in a bid to contain the coronavirus. They have since stepped up calls for Americans to move beyond hand washing and isolate themselves as much as possible because coronavirus's resulting respiratory disease (COVID-19) is believed to be 10 times more lethal than the flu.
Experts have called on everyone to practice social distancing because some people may have been infected but are showing minimal symptoms or may think they have a common cold or allergies. In addition, the Centers For Disease Control And Prevention (CDC) has asked people to avoid discretionary travel so that we can slow the spread of the virus — a concept known as flattening the curve.
Guitar legend Richie Faulker from Judas Priest has an important message for you!
#PSA#StayHome#StayInsideShow#SideshowCollectibles#JudasPriest#RichieFaulkner#WashYourHands#LetYourGeekSideShow@richiefaulkner@judaspriestpic.twitter.com/jw2Xlbg2kL— SideshowCollectibles (@collectsideshow) March 27, 2020
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